Wednesday, December 17, 2014

What is the best way to spend to lose weight ...

It is now widely demonstrated, regular physical activity protects us against most major diseases (cancer, diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular diseases ...). But if spending is also a very effective help to refine our silhouette, or even lose weight if physical activity is associated with a balanced diet. What are the recommended sports and to what effect on our figure?

Does the sports lose weight?
No, sport in itself does not lose weight.
In contrast, regular physical activity is an essential ally to lose weight or to carve a beautiful silhouette.
Playing sports promotes energy expenditure, while the production of muscle mass improves tone the body favors a firm and slender.
But if spending is also good for morale, diverting, for example, some of us snacking between meals, not to mention the regulatory effect on appetite.
In the end, the sport is ideal for narrow silhouette and / or as part of a weight loss program.
The question is what sports to practice according to objectives and how?

What physical activities to refine its shape?

This is the easiest activity that requires practice and a good pair of sneakers! In addition to the thighs, running firms and shapely buttocks. Know an interesting alternative to running is skating!

Our advice:

Get yourself a good pair of shoes.
Start very slowly, without forcing, and setting reasonable goals.
Spread your sessions: better run 30 minutes every other day or even every day, 2 hours every 15 days.
Never neglect the warm-up and perform stretching exercises for the race.
Remember to drink before and after the race.
Do not eat too much before going for a run.
Ideally, run together (e) because the running requires motivation, monitoring and gain advice and other riders.
To help you get started, set your goals (in terms of weight loss, but not only) and establish your training program:
To pace yourself safely, simply take your pulse or let yourself be guided by your breath (you must be able to talk during your stroke). Wearing a heart rate monitor meter will be a plus for those who want to get up to speed after a good start.
Equip yourself a pedometer, counting your steps, allowing you to enjoy your progress.

Outdoors or indoors, cycling is a very complete sport. Certainly, the legs are heavily used, but the buttocks and abs as much work, while the upper body is also applied (back, arms, shoulders).

Our advice:

Determine in advance your training program.
Join a club to make the bike more, otherwise make your bike sessions with family, children or grandchildren, or even better, a couple!
Swimming, water aerobics, aquabiking

The water liberates the body of the forces of gravity, while the movements achieved in the water have a massaging effect on the entire body. Ideal for sculpting the legs, but also to strengthen the upper body and develop a slender figure.

For those who do not like the monotony of pool lengths, water aerobics is a very dynamic and more effective alternative.

As for aquabiking (which involves pedaling in water), the draining effect is excellent against cellulite and orange peel. But abs are highly stressed with a flat stomach effect guaranteed!

Our advice:

To develop a shapely figure, do not use excessive force on the arms, the risk of developing your shoulders too.

Whatever the type and pace (jazz, African dance, salsa ...), dance works the legs and arms, abs and buttocks. At stake, refined legs, firm buttocks, flat stomach and toned arms. Dance is also a particularly beneficial activity for the morale and the cardiorespiratory system.

Our advice:

Prefer rhythmic dances.
Yoga, pilates

Like yoga, Pilates improves flexibility and eliminate tensions. The sequences of postures and work on breathing firm the midsection, with the key to a flat stomach. The back and shoulders are also highly solicited.

Our advice:

Learn about degrees and run the word of mouth before registering for a course. Make one or two test courses.

Walking, accessible to all and at any age, is a wholly physical activity, whose profits depend on the regularity and speed, that may increase gradually as the progress made. At stake, a more toned silhouette, regulation of appetite and a great mood!

Our advice:

Equip yourself a pedometer to judge distances and progress.
Establish a training program and think ahead to your walks sites.
For motivation and perseverance, the ideal is to walk to many: couples, friends or girlfriends, neighbors, and if not, sign up for a walking club.
Check in your department to participate in marches and organized hikes.

The two criteria to be considered well spend and refine its silhouette
The important thing is the regularity of physical exertion. The chosen physical activity should be consistent with your affinities and compatible with your lifestyle.

Your affinities: you must choose a sport you like and whose practice gives you pleasure. For example, if you hate running, immediately forget jogging, and if you are complexed (e) in swimsuit, avoid swimming.
Compatibility with your lifestyle: your schedule, time, place of practice, your income (interest cost) ... For example, if the pool is far from your home or your workplace, it is likely you give up quickly because of time

What sports diet: some caveats
Depending on your weight (eg in case of very overweight, some sports can damage the joints), your age and state of health, physical activities may be discouraged.
As a precautionary measure, and if in doubt, talk to your doctor who can advise or help you plan your exercise program.
Of course, the effectiveness depends on the intensity of physical practice, but the regularity counts for a lot. No way to concentrate all your efforts in one session a week.
Spread your physical spending the whole week, ideally on a daily basis, if at least 3 times a week.
In all cases, start slowly and do not neglect overheating.
If there is a resumption of physical activity and you have more than 45 years, made a pre-medical examination.
Warning, the effects are very progressive and provided to be associated with a healthy, balanced diet and low calorie.
And to motivate more sedentary, do not forget that any account that all adds! Then move as often as possible and multiply activities: short trips on foot, call standing or walking, walks, stairs instead of elevators, cleaning, gardening ... In summary, what sports to narrow down what part of the body?

For beautiful legs: running, biking, aquabiking, water aerobics, roller ...
For shapely buttocks jogging, aquabiking ...
For a flat stomach: pilates, aquabiking, dancing, jumping rope ...
As part of weight loss: running, swimming, biking, dancing, gym ...

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