Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Diet and cancer prevention: false truths and ideas

In January 2001, was created the National Health and Nutrition Program (PNNS), with the aim of improving the population's health by acting on the critical nutrition.

In parallel with the development of knowledge, scientists now believe that dietary factors may contribute largely to the development of cancers. Thus the theme "Food, Nutrition and Cancer" was born.

In the prevention of cancer, diet can indeed play a very important role.

"Truths, false assumptions and ideas," you need to know about the links between cancer and diet.

Prevention of cancer: truths and recommendations
Fruits and vegetables
The intake of fruits and vegetables should be at least 7% of total daily energy intake, between 400 and 800 grams of fruit and vegetables a day, playing on the variety.

Overweight and obesity
Cancer risk is minimal when the body mass index is maintained between 18.5 and 25 kg / m².
International recommendations (European code against cancer) advise not to exceed a gain of 5 pounds heavier than during adulthood.

physical activity
It is recommended to maintain an active lifestyle.
For example, if the occupational physical activity is low or moderate, practice at least half an hour (and if possible one hour) of brisk walking or similar activity per day and vigorous physical activity at least one hour per week.
Alcohol consumption is not recommended in terms of cancer risk because it increases morbidity and mortality.

The PNNS recommendations propose, among those who drink alcoholic beverages, do not exceed the equivalent of 20 grams of pure alcohol per day (two glasses of wine 10cl beer or two 25 cl or 6 cl of hard liquor).

Smoking is a major risk factor for cancer (particularly lung), and its reduction is a priority in terms of public health to reduce the risk of multiple cancer sites.

Strong assumptions leading to recommendations
Meat and sausage
Meat consumption has to be part of a balanced and varied diet, rich in fruits and vegetables.
Select your most lean meats.
One day meat dish is sufficient.
Limit meats, in particular to reduce the intake of saturated fat and salt.
Also, limit the cooking processes using very high temperatures (grilling, barbecue, frying); if necessary, it is recommended not to consume the charred portions of grilled meats.

Do not exceed 8 grams of salt per day via the food themselves, adding to the table and in the preparation.
The main control salty foods are meats and cheeses with high salt, salted products for drinks and some mineral water rich in sodium.
Fat intake
Reducing fat intake may have a beneficial impact on the risk of obesity and cardiovascular disease.
In cancer, it is especially trans fats (hydrogenated fats from industrial processes) are avoided.
Avoid foods containing "hidden" fats (pastries, puddings, snack foods, fatty dairy products, meat and fatty meats, sauces ... ??).
Also, replace as often as possible animal fats with vegetable fats, especially those rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids (olive oil, rapeseed oil).

dietary fiber
The daily diet should include whole grains (wheat, barley, oats, corn, bran), wholemeal bread, vegetables or legumes (lentils, beans ...) or brown rice, and fruit (rather than juice).
It is better to eat whole grains or added fiber.

Drink with moderation, less than 5 cups per day. Existing data do not criminalize the consumption of coffee in the determinism of cancers, except for bladder cancer.

Stereotypes and misconceptions about diet and cancer
The microwave oven causes cancer.
(False: no currently available evidence to indicate a risk related to the use of the microwave oven.)
Fruits and vegetables provide cancer because of pesticides
(False: There is enough evidence concluding that fruits and vegetables protect against cancer significantly. And the beneficial effects of fruit and vegetables are so important, they cancel the deleterious effects of small amounts of pesticides.)
Red wine protects against cancer ??
(False: no liquor (even wine) has a protective effect vis-à-vis cancer. All are important risk factors. In the field of cancer, alcohol consumption is never recommended.)

Food and cancer: summary of recommendations
Varied and quantitatively adapted to the nutritional needs food, preferably based on plant foods.
Stable weight without overweight, while limiting the maximum gain weight less than 5 kg during adult life.
Active lifestyle with a brisk walk half hour (or similar activity) per day and vigorous physical activity for at least one hour per week.
Five fruits and vegetables a day.
Fiber foods (fruits, vegetables, bread, rice and pasta complete) preferred over refined foods (white bread and rice).
Recommended alcohol. For consumers, limited to 6 drinks per week.
Sausage limit the benefit fish or poultry.
Limit salt and salty foods.

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