Saturday, February 14, 2015


Children and adolescents are particularly overweight they watch more television. This may seem logical since it is very passive in front of the small screen. Resulting in a lack of exercises, which prevents burning calories ?? Yet this is not the only child obesity factor.

Obesity increases with the hours spent watching television

One study sought to better understand the phenomenon following two years 550 children whose average age was 12 years. It reveals that the decline in physical activity is not the only cause. Watching TV has an important impact on eating behaviors. Indeed, we see that every hour spent watching television increases the amount of calories ingested. And for every hour of television passivity, a child or teenager eat 167 extra calories a day. Hence there are two things: gain more calories and no physical activity are done, and for long time may be many hours.

We eat anything in front of the TV ...

In addition, dietary balance is disturbed, since this diet then includes more foods touted by advertising on the small screen: this is very calorie dense foods and very low in nutrients such as vitamins, antioxidants and trace elements ?? Everyone can draw different conclusions depending on how it is positioned. If you are an advertiser, you will agree that advertising is effective: it helps to sell food products highlighted on television. However, if you are a parent, you will conclude that television has a very detrimental effect on your children: it occupies their time preventing them from physically active or more intellectual and cultural activities, and leads them to overeat unbalanced and thus prepare health problems in the future, such as obesity ?? Knowing these data, you adapt to give the best that you can for your children.

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