Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Cancer prevention through diet

Can we prevent cancer through diet? If so, how? What are the beneficial foods? What mistakes to avoid? The subject is vast, but begins to be very well documented.

Prevent the risk of cancer through diet, it works!

Fruits and vegetables are the best cancer prevention (fight against cancer). Number of anticancer drugs have also been extracted from the plant world.
Plants defend themselves from predators by secreting toxic that kill or make them sick. These phytochemicals are also excellent anti-cancer and we can benefit through proper diet.

The hit parade of anti-cancer fruits and vegetables

Topping effective food against cancer we find: - Brussels sprouts, - broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, - garlic - onion, shallot, - spinach, watercress, - soya (soy beans) - Seeds freshly ground flax - tomatoes - turmeric - black pepper - blueberries (blueberries), raspberries, blackberries, - cranberries (dried) - Grape - 70% dark chocolate - green Tea Citrus juice (infused 10 minutes) - red wine (1 glass a day max) .These foods are consumed every day in the most varied possible. Namely: black pepper and turmeric, at low doses, increasing the power of all these anti-cancer foods. These spices to have in every kitchen! And it is recommended to use a small teaspoon per day.

Other foods rich in anti-cancer

Other fruits and vegetables are rich in other cancer phytochemicals. Here is the list: - seaweed - artichoke - eggplant - lawyer - basil and rosemary - bokchoi (variety of Chinese cabbage) - capers - celery - cherry - clove - spinach - fennel, anise, coriander - ginger - lettuce - lenses - alfalfa - mango - barley - grapefruit - parsley - chili - pear - apple - shiitake (ranged from Japanese mushroom), - wheat bran - black tea - thym.Il therefore remains for you to eat healthy and happy: Choices abound! You can eat these vegetables with cereals, but also with fish, poultry and more rarely with meat. We must continue to avoid meats, cured meats, smoked products, pastries and cakes ?? These foods are bookable for weekly or festive occasions.

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