Sunday, February 21, 2016

To lose belly fat, adopt the Mediterranean diet!

You have belly? You may experience any of the other symptoms of so-called metabolic syndrome: too much cholesterol, pressure, high blood sugar, etc.
If this is the case, take action and put yourself to the Mediterranean diet.

Indeed, it is effective to make you lose your belly!

Big belly syndrome, what is it?
Having a big belly is the most obvious sign of metabolic syndrome.
So much so that the simple measurement of waist circumference has become as important as calculating BMI (body mass index: weight is divided by twice the size).
And because the fat belly is one of the five symptoms of metabolic syndrome, known to be a powerful cardiovascular risk factor:
waist circumference greater than 102 cm in men and 88 cm for women.
Insulin resistance, or a sugar in the blood (blood sugar) high, greater than 110 mg / dL (6.1 mmol / l).
blood pressure greater than or equal to 130/85.
HDL-cholesterol (good cholesterol) less than 1 mmol / L (0.40 g / l) in men and 1.3 mmol / L (0.50 g / l) in women;
triglycerides greater than or equal to 1.7 mmol / l (1.5 g / l).
Here warnings, now to the solution:
the Mediterranean diet, which has demonstrated its effectiveness for losing belly fat.

Mediterranean diet against fat belly
Conducted in 2011, the study is large since it involved analyzing all exploitable trials with this, about fifty to a total of 535,000 people
The result is clear, the Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of metabolic syndrome. It also increases the levels of good cholesterol, lower triglycerides, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, blood sugar and finally the waistline.
Since then, other studies confirm that the Mediterranean diet improves the health of people with metabolic syndrome, as this experiment conducted among 5,800 Spanish high cardiac risk.
Knowing that the Mediterranean diet is easy to implement and inexpensive, it is hoped that as many follow this type of diet to reduce cardiovascular disease, which remember, is the leading cause of death in Western countries !

Mediterranean diet to diet rebalancing ...
This advice to follow the Mediterranean diet to reduce cardiovascular risk is in line with the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO).
Namely, to avoid succession of dieting, which leads to what is called the yo-yo diet with recovery of lost weight or more between each diet.
But conversely, to favor a diet rebalancing in order, firstly to stabilize his weight.
This food rebalancing does not include restrictions but based on a learning diet rules, such as those in the Mediterranean diet: lots of fruits and vegetables, fish, whole grains, healthy oils, nuts.
Conversely, little meat, processed animal products and industrial products, which are replaced by "houses preparations" with commodities.
Ideal for losing belly!

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