Thursday, February 25, 2016

The three advantages of yogurt to lose weight

Maintain a healthy weight should not be a fight, long or short. Just a series of good habits taken ... Among them, that eating yogurt regularly. What this dairy product more than other foods?

Yogurt: low calories, lots of nutrients!
The first advantage of yogurt is that it provides little or very few calories: less than 50 to 100 grams of fat yogurt, and about 60 to 100 grams of whole yogurt. And for those few calories, you get many important nutrients - the same as milk, since it represents more than 90% of the composition of yogurt ... but with important differences. Here are the nutritional benefits of yogurt:
Carbohydrates - but not lactose, sugar normally present in milk. It is in fact degraded during fermentation which produces yogurt. This is why the lactose intolerant people can mostly eat yogurt without problems ...
Of course calcium: a yogurt provides about 30% of the recommended calcium for one day.
B vitamins (B12, B2 and B5).
While these nutrients will not in themselves make you lose weight, but they assure you a balanced diet even if you try to limit the number of calories you swallow ...

Yogurt helps you feel satiated
If nutritionists often recommend yogurt for people who are dieting, it is mainly for its power "satiety", that is to say its ability to satiate us. Rich in protein, yogurt helps to stall the stomach effectively, and without making too many calories. therefore ideal in case of the munchies. A study has shown that if you give yogurt or another type of sample two groups of people, those who ate yogurt take 20 minutes more than the others before they again want to eat. There is also evidence that calcium helps to lose weight: calories to equal, consume more yogurt seems to lose weight and reduce, in particular, abdominal fat. A study by University of York in England has shown that people who regularly eat yogurt have a BMI lower than those who never consume.
Does this mean that the yogurt is the solution to overweight? Of course not. Weight gain is multifactorial and complex, but yogurt can probably help to control it.

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