Monday, February 22, 2016

Lipolysis : your way to lose your weight ...

To lose weight you must get in lipolysis. That is to say, we must force the body to draw its energy from its fat stores. How to calculate its lipolysis threshold?

Calculate your threshold lipolysis
The lipolysis threshold, corresponding to when the body draws on its fat, is calculated very simply:
220 minus your age,
minus your resting heart rate,
all divided by two,
is then added the resting heart rate.
In other words, the formula:
Threshold lipolysis = (220 - age - HR rest) / 2 + HR rest
For example, you are 44 years old and your resting heart rate is 65 beats per minute: 220 - 44 (age) = 176-65 (your resting heart rate) = 111 divided by 2 = 55.5 + 65 (your resting heart rate) = 120.5. Your lipolysis threshold is 120 heartbeats per minute.

Use heart rate for weight loss
The resulting number is the heart rate you should maintain (or below or above) for the duration of your sport to lose weight. During your effort, you can check your heart rate by equipping you with a heart rate monitor (including available in sports shops). This device measures and displays the number of times your heart beats per minute.
If you choose to skip the technology, you'll take your own pulse either by putting 2 fingers on your carpus and count the beats for one minute or on your neck (but not to press to hard) for a similar length of your time. If you are more than your high range, reduce your speed, however if you are below your bottom range, you wish to kick it up a gear.
But beware, if you have heart disease, practice an exercise test and follow the advice of your doctor. It will tell you your ideal heart rate follow during your physical activities.
Here is another question for you: are you able to get in an exceedingly fat-burning zone?
Let's make a case for, you wish to develop a distinct frame of mind. you need each high associated low intensity exercises for an overall weight loss. On your days when you have a tough workout, your body need time to recoup and repair from that workout, go along with exercise however lower intensity and for a extended amount of your time. Your body can flush out carboxylic acid build up (that is why your muscles get sore) however at an equivalent time, you may reap the advantages of burning calories that  required to lose weight.

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