Friday, January 9, 2015

Can weight loss put a couple in danger?

Lose weight, when one is overweight or obese, it is positive, and often important for health. But it is not as obvious in all areas of life. Thus, when a couple is built with overweight of one of the partners, the results of the scheme are sometimes difficult to manage ...

Weight loss and seduction

The most common problem is the new partner of seduction that has lost weight. One woman, for example, often want (and need) to rebuild their wardrobe, to (re) put clothes she dared to wear before, and even change the style. All these approaches can worry a spouse who lacks confidence in him, or has a jealousy which was calmed by the overweight of his companion. This feeling may well be irrational (remember that being overweight does not stop to seduce!), It is no less widespread.

Weight loss and personality change

Losing weight can sometimes lead to a profound transformation of the personality. Indeed, being healthy body is a key element of confidence. When an overweight woman is erased and dominated by her partner, her weight loss can give him the confidence to seek out the bid. So, it is the balance of the couple who is upset and, where appropriate, questioned.

Being overweight can camouflage the relationship problems

Sometimes overweight hides other relationship problems or serves as their excuse. For example, imagine a couple who encounter sexual problems. Sometimes one or both partners are these concerns on behalf of overweight. So, it is expected that everything works out after a good diet ... However, once the missing pounds, problems persist or worsen. This can then be very destabilizing. And sex life is an example of recurrent disputes, projects that never materialize, can also be attributed to excess weight while they are in fact due to the couple itself.

Relationship problems and weight stabilization

But when the problems (re) appear following the diet are too difficult to manage, conscious or unconscious "solution" is sometimes regain the pounds. It is therefore essential to achieve stabilization weight, realize and admit that change does not solve corpulence (inevitably) relationship problems or personal doubts!

The solution? Communicate and share

Apart from this setting at any personal item, integrate its partner in weight loss is a good solution. It's not about him or her on a diet, but rather to make him share the experience of thinning, exchange, in short, to communicate. Make the journey together avoids putting the partner offside. For if weight loss must be "for himself", it necessarily affects the other and life together.

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