Saturday, October 25, 2014

Water, slimming and diet: Myths and Realities

Water itself is not especially thin, contrary to popular belief still firmly rooted in the minds of many women!

But why do we recommend routinely drink more water through dieting?

If the water itself does not lose weight, it's still a thin ally
If diet, drinking water is essential for several reasons, not the least:

Water provides no calories.

It is a valuable aid to drain metabolic waste associated with weight loss.

Water replaces snacking by taking repeated sips, which is a much better habit.

It provides a full stomach feeling and a slight appetite suppressant (a decoy effect for the body), very useful to counteract frustration with too few large meals.

Water provides varying amounts of minerals: calcium, magnesium, interesting contributions in the context of a restricted diet, and perhaps deficient.

Drink water and lose weight in practice
If you are concerned about your figure, and if dieting, drink at least 1.5 liters of mineral water per day.
And, especially if it is very hot, you engage in physical activity, or you are under (e) (older people are more quickly dehydrated).

Difficult for you? Follow these tips to more easily achieve your goal:

Any drink from the bottle, experience shows that in this way, we drink more than glass.

If you have trouble drinking pure water, think of flavored waters: scented with citrus, almost no calories, they are a nice way to drink water.

Drink one to two additional glasses of water before or during meals to reduce hunger and increase satiety.

Create the desire to drink by making a habit of constantly placing a bottle of water in all the places where you spend the most time.
So drink become a routine gesture, an automatic that you will naturally without thinking.

If you tend to drink too little, learn to drink without thirst because thirst is a deceptive phenomenon whose appearance is often late.
A good indicator to see if you are properly hydrated (e) your urine should be clear and abundant.
If they are dark (apart from taking certain medications), drink more.

What water should you drink?
A trace mineral water (less than 500 mg per liter of minerals, such as Volvic, Evian ... ??) whose pleasant taste will make it easier to absorb the amount of water needed. Its mineral content is also suitable for all.

If your plan is harsh and may carencer you, opt for a more mineralized water (Vittel, St Amand, Contrex).

Cool or at room temperature, it is still a matter of taste!
Avoid having too cold water can cause heaviness of stomach and intestinal disorders.

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