Monday, October 27, 2014

Should we dive into the gluten-free diet?

Us all or nearly gluten intolerant?

The question may arise before surging past few months, both in Europe and the US, followers of the gluten-free diet who constantly proclaim its benefits, celebrities and athletes in mind.

Gluten, what is it? 

A substance mainly composed of two proteins that are found in the seeds of cereals, except those in maize and rice.

Gluten will not dissolve in water. Mixed with it, it forms a viscous mass, sticky and elastic (hence the name, derived from "glue").

It is this property that allows the manufacture of bread bubbles of carbon dioxide (CO2) that are formed during the fermentation of the dough are enclosed in the network formed by the gluten, which is the "lift" but gives as its elasticity and flexibility, which allows to easily chew then when the bread is baked.

Of course, this is the same phenomenon that occurs in cakes leavened dough. Gluten free, no bun!

Moreover, the wheat gluten extract and powdered is used in the bakery but also in the food industry to thicken and give the binder to some kind preparations sauces, ready meals.

In other words, apart from bread, pasta and many other products made of wheat flour, rye, oats and barley, gluten is present in our diet.

What is gluten intolerance?
This is a very complicated digestive disease called celiac disease, which is not new. It was described the first time in the 2nd century by Aretius Cappadocian, a Greek physician. Hence its name, derived from the Greek word koelia, which means "abdomen".

In 1888, an English physician, Samuel Gee, details the symptoms in children: chronic diarrhea, anorexia, fatigue, bloated stomach, etc. In 1950 and Holland, a young doctor, DW Dicke, published his thesis on the critical role of cereals and interest gluten-free diet.

Research then continued to better describe the role of gluten in the celiac disease. We now know that this is an immune disease: gluten triggers an inflammatory reaction in the intestinal mucosa (hence another name for gluten intolerance). Gradually, it crashed and does his job properly. Digestion is poor and absorption of nutrients is increasingly disturbed.

Hence a lot of disasters over the years. They range from fatigue to anemia and weight loss through osteoporosis, installing another intolerance, the lactose, diverse and varied nervous system disorders, joint pain and even sometimes dermatitis herpetiformis (itchy, red blisters).

We still do not know why some (s) are victims of intolerance to gluten. It is only certain that it is largely hereditary: we even identified key genes. It is also known as type 1 diabetes are at greater risk of developing one.

How to tell if you have a gluten intolerance?
Gluten intolerance is manifested by various and diverse disorders ranging from constipation to diarrhea, to bloating, stomach cramps, nausea. Sometimes by joint pain, depression, itching and redness.

But these symptoms can have other causes, particularly digestive disorders that are the same as those of the famous irritable bowel syndrome, so common.

This is why the diagnosis of gluten intolerance is very difficult to determine from just the symptoms.

Fortunately, there is a blood test that detects antibodies specific for gluten intolerance. If it proves positive, then we do a biopsy, a sample of tissue from the small intestine which to judge the severity of the damage to the mucosa. Putting the gluten-free diet then confirm or reject the diagnosis.

It is estimated that 1 in 100 people suffer from celiac disease. But this figure is questioned and it would average 1 in 270 in Western countries. According to some researchers, it would be even higher due to lack of routine screening.

Should we put the gluten-free diet?
A difficult diet to follow
Although there are many products "gluten-free" or "gluten free" and a French Association intolerant to gluten that holds a specific list, although some "gluten-free" restaurants exist, even if, Air France, you can order a plate "gluten free", the regime is particularly difficult to follow, since industrial goods hidden in the frequency of this stuff sometimes. But also, and especially, because of the fact happen all products from cereals other than maize and rice is far from clear.

If you think you suffer from celiac disease, it must first consult a gastroenterologist, and before starting a gluten-free diet because then the blood test results will be biased.
But if you want to dive into this scheme to try to be as good as the tennis champion Novak Djokovitch (in which a true celiac disease was diagnosed in 2011) and / or get slimming and skin pretty American stars who claim to be "gluten free" in short, to yield to the current mode, you must really think about it.

You do not really nutritional deficiency but may expose you to severe social deprivation and family.

In fact, you'll have (e) except in a "gluten free" restaurant, eating everything (e) only (e). It is obviously out of the question to put your children in this plan.
It is not obvious to arrive with friends or with your Auntie Danielle-eat-gluten-free in a box or make sorting through the meal!

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