Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Diet Code: Test your knowledge of dietetic food

What do you know about the foods of summer?
What you need to know to eat well and keep fit?

Test your knowledge of dietetic food and avoid mistakes that could affect your balance ...

Never seafood in summer. 

This is wrong!
By the sea, do not deprive yourself of seafood. By providing minerals and vitamins, they are excellent for your health. However, careful not to break the cold chain. The rule is: as soon as purchased as soon kept in your fridge. Or better yet: as soon bought eaten soon!

Carrots at every meal, it provides a better tan. 

It's true!
Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, antioxidants that promote pigmentation of the skin. That said, all fruits and vegetables red-orange are rich in beta-carotene. The ideal is to vary.

Ice cream or sorbet, it's the same thing. 

This is wrong!
Ice also bring fat from the cream and milk. Sorbet, fruit is only (and hence sugar) and water. We must therefore focus sorbets and beware of ice.

In the summer, you need to hydrate more. 

It's true!
Through sweat, we can eliminate a lot of water. Must compensate by drinking more water ... of course!

From a caloric view is better than fruit juice soda. 

This is wrong!
Soda contains 6 pieces of sugar per can, averaging more than 100 grams of sugar per liter.
A glass of orange juice 100% pure fruit without added sugar is 27 g of sugar per glass, or almost as much as a glass of Coca-Cola.

Some fruits and vegetables are really fewer calories than others. 

It's true! 
This is the case of strawberries and radishes, for example, part of fruits and vegetables because the fewer calories composed mainly of water. Melon and watermelon are also included. 
That said, it is less important to choose fewer calories than ensuring consume enough away from other more calorie food categories: meat, cream dessert, pastries, sodas ... 
Another more important for the health point varied diet, including fruits and vegetables!

Even in summer, the barbecue is prohibited. 

This is wrong! 
The barbecue is known to be carcinogenic because during cooking to form compounds such as benzopyrenes but we are reassured in very small quantities. Thus, as barbecuing is occasional and not the whole year, the risks are really limited. In addition, you can limit the formation of carcinogenic compounds in its ensuring that food does not come in contact with the flame. It can also limit their intake by not eating the blackened parts of the food. 
Thus, health side, the barbecue is often beneficial to the extent that we hijack a grilling time of stews and fries ... 

Do not drink cold.

It's true!
Better not drink too cold, it slows digestion and it can promote diarrhea.

Sweeteners should be avoided. 

This is wrong!
Calorie, they advantageously replace sugar. This is a great way to reduce consumption of sugar. Sweeteners are regularly accused of being bad for your health, but there is no evidence to date. Thus, in the present state of knowledge, it is better to be afraid of sugar (responsible for diabetes and obesity and cancer-promoting) rather than sweeteners.

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