Monday, October 20, 2014

Reasons You Just Can't Lose The Weight

Do you have your diet and exercise almost every day, and although he lost a little weight, "these last few pounds do not seem to move. What happen?

Experts say that despite all efforts, there are some things that can not be achieved by a big effect on weight loss. Here are 11 down with their plans to play it smart:

1 sleep deprived.
According to a Gallup poll, 40% of people get less than 7 hours of sleep per night. Without this precious time in your eyes, cortisol, the stress hormone and blood sugar levels and insulin-all in the feet that connect to your hunger. Lack of sleep also causes insulin resistance, making it easier to save for your body, says JJ Virgin, celebrity nutrition and fitness expert and bestselling author of The New York Times, which makes the system Virgin.

2 With a heavy workout as an excuse to eat.
Just because you do not burn 700 calories in the gym, it is a free ride that you want to eat. You can not eat anything with the intention of later, because it will burn too much exercise can lead to overtraining and weight plateau, Yuri Elkaim said, nutritionist and fitness expert and author of the form feed the day of the total energy. Instead, foods that increase your exercise and have a snack for recovery. Eats
3 The thyroid is out of control.
Thyroid function is important for metabolism and experts agree problems, thyroid is one of the most frequently diagnosed can be in the way of weight loss. In addition, many doctors believe that the traditional standard for the level of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), and also takes no account of other symptoms. Thyroid function, the Virgin Mary Ideally, your TSH between 0.5 and 1 and a doctor of integrative medicine, or functional is the best solution.

4 small meals are consumed.
You might have small meals every 2-3 hours will help stabilize blood sugar and keep you from thinking too much food to eat, but in reality, you can drive to insulin and therefore can not access the stored fat as fuel, said the Blessed Virgin. If you eat a combination of lean protein, fruits and vegetables low in carbohydrates, whole grains and healthy fats, you feel full and still lose weight.

5.'re eat too much sugar and not even know it.
Flagrant sugar is not the only problem that the hidden sugar can cause your waistline. In so-called smoothies, yogurt and processed ravages Fructose is the worst food because it goes directly to the liver where it is converted into fat. It also increases your sweet tooth, if you are hungry and want more attention to signals of fullness, so you eat, but says Maria. So read the labels and reduce the consumption of sugar slowly.
6 stressed.
A recent study found that women earn 11 pounds a year if they are under stress. Stress increases cortisol, which breaks down muscle and decreased serotonin, which makes you want more sweet foods. Moreover, because the reduced cortisol acid stomach, they are inefficient process more hunger.

7 He trains hard.
You are a queen, but too much cardio can be cons-productive. Interval training is better qualified for loss or less in a short time weight. Pay attention to the cardiovascular dock for 2 or 3 times a week because mentally and physically, said Elkaim.

8 do not eat enough fat.
Your body needs fat to burn fat, but the most important is to choose the right type of eating fat. Healthy fats, as they are fed fish, avocado, herb butter, olive oil, coconut, nuts and seeds are the best.

9're deficient in vitamin D.
Vitamin D is actually a pro-hormone that is responsible for many functions in the body and without it, you can not burn fat. Also ask your doctor about your vitamin levels and consumption of foods rich in salmon, sardines and check cow D.

10 is too late.
You can have a snack before bed usually, but you can prevent the body burns fat at the right time in the night to try to eat dinner at a reasonable hour and the kitchen closes.

"One of the most important things you can do to lose weight things, this is the time of the full expansion is that you go to sleep," said Madonna.

11 My body is toxic.
Environmental toxins are everywhere and can really change your hormones, body temperature and keeps your body fat. It is not possible to eliminate the toxins, but completely eat lots of fiber, protein, green vegetables, elimination or reduction of exposure can help the body to detoxify every day ...

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