Wednesday, March 4, 2015

10 good tips to lose weight easily

Not easy to lose weight, but not impossible. To enhance your chances of success, adopt good habits every day.

But are you sure (e) of well-known?

1 - I skip breakfast to save calories
No, you have to eat in the morning if you have a craving in the morning and you grignoterez anything fatty and sweet.

2 - I eat a whole fruit with every meal
Yes, a fruit at breakfast is better than fruit juice because it satiates better.

3 - I completely eliminates sodas
You are right: sodas contain a lot of sugar that brings unnecessary calories and unbalance your diet

4 - I hurry to eat so I eat less
Yes, the more you eat slowly, you will eat less because so your satiety center will have time to work well.

5 - I walk at least 1 hour per day
Yes, exercise is essential for weight loss and walking is the best.

6 - Every two months, I put myself in the plan
No, you will inevitably repeat pounds lost for each plan and you will become and increasingly large .

7 - I eat at least 500 grams of vegetables per day, cooked and raw
Yes, vegetables provide few calories, they are satiating and essential to your balanced diet.

8 - I just decided to balance my diet
For this, it is better to take advice from a dietician or join a group like Weight Watchers because you need to be guided.

9 - I eliminate all the bread and cereals
No, bread and cereals contain essential carbohydrates to provide energy. We must adapt their quantities according to your energy needs.

10 - I'm a total impasse on chocolate
No, you need to make you happy. A square of chocolate (5g) brings only 25 calories. But do not multiply ten times a day!

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