Saturday, November 29, 2014

Choosing the right bread, the key to a balanced diet!

Gray, white, full-grain or multigrain ...
There are a variety of breads. And that's good news, because it is the basis of a balanced diet.

Provided, of course, to make the right choice!

Bread and regime incompatible?
To begin with, tweak the neck to popular belief, the bread is not fattening.

There is no need to banish him from the outset of his power, even when you want to lose weight. The key is to not eat as an accompaniment to other starchy (rice, pasta ...) and not eating too much, knowing that a slice of bread makes between 20 and 40 kcal depending on the variety.

In fact, when well chosen, bread meets all the recommendations of dieticians in terms of nutritional composition. Indeed, it contains:

dietary fiber, which facilitate intestinal transit and cause a feeling of satiety,
complex carbohydrates (mainly starch) which, digested, turn into glucose and provide energy to the body,
of B vitamins involved in the proper cell function and nervous system and vitamin E, which has antioxidant properties,
minerals such as potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium and phosphorus.

White bread or wheat bread?
Without hesitation, dieticians advise to focus wholemeal bread.

Its advantage?

Its high content of dietary fiber.

Unlike white bread, wholemeal bread is made from a flour in which use complete wheat grains. And it is precisely in the bran and germ found as dietary fiber but also minerals and vitamins.

A simple rule is necessary for choosing the bread crumb is more dark, more nutritional qualities are interesting!

Bread for everyone!
It is found in bakeries dozens of different kinds of bread, it would be a shame not to enjoy.

By varying the bread you eat, you discover new flavors but will also diversify your nutrient intake. Rye, spelled, wheat ... every cereal has a nutritional feature that makes it interesting in the context of a balanced diet.

Do not forget the bread with seeds (sunflower, sesame, flax ...) they are very rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, which contribute to good cardiovascular health.

Avoid, for against the bread: often been the addition of sugars and fats. In addition, this soft bread, like sandwiches, too easy to chew and delays the onset of satiety.

Often associated with the regime, rusk is, in reality, much less nutrition than it seems. Not only it has a

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