Sunday, March 6, 2016

How to avoid diets deficient?

Diet systems must have realistic goals, use effective and safe, and have perseverance.

There are multiple kinds of diet systems.  The effective ones are custom regimes, established with the help of a doctor or a dietician, starting with a statement of the patient's eating habits. This investigation is essential because as appropriate, advice may be very different. In some situations, it is more urgent to remove cakes and appetizer peanuts in others, alcoholic beverages or sodas. Some people will instead be applied to avoid sugary snacks, and others, to balance their diet by eating breakfast while decreasing their evening meal. Still others will decrease the use of fat (oil, butter, etc.) in their diet. But none of this advice is valid for everyone, since everyone has their own way of eating more or less.

Avoid diets deficient and overly restrictive diets
Some strict diets are dangerous: they can cause mineral deficiency (calcium or potassium, for example), vitamins, trace elements essential for the proper functioning of the body. Others may even result in protein deficiency: in this case, the muscles will melt before the adipose tissue (fat), which is not desirable! Farewell to all plans based on one food, or one family of foods.
Attention also too restrictive diets: less than 800 kcal (kilocalories) per day. They allow course to get a quick weight loss of more than moderate regimes (reduction of 500 kcal to 1000 kcal compared to the usual diet). But after a year, the comparisons show that the effectiveness of these very restrictive diets are no better than moderate regimes. Why ? Because a person changing his diet gradually, without making excessive effort and without complete ban what he/she likes, can keep his/her habits in the long term. While that made a considerable effort to reduce its power, feeling of intense deprivation, once reached his goal, often tends to resume his old eating habits, and thus resume its initial weight.

A gradual loss of weight and irregular
It is important, at the same time, to continue its efforts, to remember that the human body is capricious, and to know that we do not fully understand how it works. Everyone knows that some people have a very big appetite and remain slim, while others do not seem to eat like ogres and yet gain weight. During a diet in which the constant efforts seem, it is the month in which the weight decreases more than others. The functioning of the digestive tract, which can absorb more or less foods that cross it, probably plays a role in these poorly understood injustices of nature.

In dietary trials well conducted, the average weight loss was 500 g to 1 kg per week for about 6 months, for a total weight loss of 3 to 6 kgs. Thereafter, the weight loss slows down and stops when the body has reached a new equilibrium. Then it is best to wait a few months to be certain of being well used to the new diet, rather than trying to absolutely continue the effort. Once the consolidation gained, it is still possible to attempt a second weight-loss plateau.

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